The International Schools of Kenana is a renowned educational establishment founded 1996. Twenty-Five years passed only to ensure that the school is keen and persistent on making a prominent change in the national and international educational fields.

The General Vision and Mission of ISK root in the core of the educational excellence. Our Vision aims at enriching the educational process nationally and internationally via the required necessary up-to-date, curricula, educators and resources enabling learners with the 21st century skills competence and ensuring the persistence on attaining a distinguished position in the educational field. 

To achieve this Vision, the school’s every day Mission lies in the continuous efforts of the Board of Directors, Leadership heads and managing bodies to ensure the selection, induction, monitoring, evaluation, training and coaching of the best teachers, and the provision of up-to-date student-centered curricula that cultivate life-long learners, autonomy, creativity, critical thinking, decision-making and leadership. The application of this process is guaranteed by curricula that are standardized, aligned, and inclusive of fair, valid and reliable assessments. The whole process is facilitated by onsite and online comprehensive facilities and advanced technologies, and is in continuous evaluation and upgrading, the latest of which is the successful application of STEM. 


The International Schools of Kenana, American Division is keen on delivering students who acquire:


Students are introduced to and trained on a set of advanced tools and interfaces that perfectly matches a 21st century learner

An International Personalized Adaptive Learning System reflecting the standards of the Common Core placing the student on level and improving his or her skills through generating reports pinpointing academic gaps and providing meticulously designed practice to bridge them

A premium School Learning Management System informing the students and parents with all the daily academic delivering, assessment reports and the various events, with a behavioral detector
analysis system

Authorized Digital Online Libraries for accurate and valid research

Interactive smart board software program with3D models, adaptable games, and interactive
worksheets for providing full multiple intelligence experience and intact focus

Key lifetime Kenana Mail for Kenana graduates for lifetime with distinguished features of unlimited capacity that never expires customized to their own names

Daily updated Interactive Website with portals to all necessary links


Students are assured the receiving of information and practice skills that will prepare them to excel in their colleges and careers.

Canadian University Orientation Visit to ISK 

– Counseling Sessions
on the School’s state-of-the-art counseling International Platform, where students are enrolled for  university counselors to guide in choosing the appropriate field of study and the enrollment process in  universities, and alumni and field gurus for managing life skills and displaying future job markets.

– Standardized Test Practice
Preparing for universities using authorized self-correction sites.

– MUN 
for rehearsing variable skills especially debating, negotiating and community service through a set of committees.

– Project skills, Research Writing and Debate
For determining research points resources of research evaluating the validity of information proper presentation of content whether written or oral.

– Reading and Listening Programs
For enabling students to decode comprehension messages, build communication skills and be ready for international test taking. ready for international test taking.


The collaborative for academic, social and emotional learning is a global initiative that aims at making social and emotional learning an integral part of education form preschool to high school, with the moto of education hearts, inspiring minds.

To achieve CASEL, the school applies:
Community Service

Enhancing students’ bonding with humanity, and raise their empathy, tolerance, and responsiveness toward others by gathering information on socially and economically impaired individuals, surveying charitable institutions, fund raising, and evaluating priorities.

Drama and Talent Clubs

Adopting performance arts to give students insight into human motivations and actions, to improve presentation skills and to develop clear communication skills.

Home Economics

Transferring to the students a desire to provide for others through the art of catering, sewing and embroidery as an act of love and giving.

Character Building & Leadership

A culturally sensitive program for digging deep into a lot of meaningful thoughts, feelings and actions, tackling respect, collaboration, and decision making.

School Counselor

For guiding students to have confidence, self-knowledge, and the necessary skills to overcome hardships and take right decisions.


In accordance with the international stream of education approaches for future readiness, for its belief in the capabilities of its students, and for its keenness on offering opportunities for dreamers and challenges for distinguished performers, ISK, American Division, took measures to create and host creative avenues for its students to observe and apply science as a practical field of study and innovation.

In the light of ISK, American Division’s stem program, guardianship, the school established a well-grounded curriculum that is leading our students to life-empowering capabilities and success.

ISK, American Division, hosts creative avenues for its students to observe and apply science as a practical field of study and innovation, blending science, technology, engineering and mathematics, for solving real life problems.

Congratulations International Schools
of Kenana for The International
Recognition Granted by
The International Organization

In Partnership with ISK | American Division


– TechAdemics:

A specialized company tailoring carefully designed and accredited STEM curricula for engineering, app programming, digital media and robotics inclusively complied for ISK.

– Science Lab:

Hands-on practices of scientific concepts to implement NGSS standard as research-based approach to learning and practicing sciences.

science lab 1
science lab 2
science lab 3

– STEM Workshop:

A fully equipped workshop including 3D Printer and CNC Laser Cutter to help students create, innovate, and finally produce their own hands-on projects.

– Kenana Innovations Team:

A team creating gadget prototypes and improving them to cater for the needs of talented students to turn their dreams and ambitions into tangible projects. 


The smoothness of Implementing our day-to-day educational procedures is made easy by a set of facilities and services that are constantly upgraded and maintained.

Kenana | American Division Houses​

Inspired by the roots and traditions of our cultural heritage


The International Schools of Kenana. American Division embraces the idea of the Houses.

As our students join their houses, a sense of belonging starts to build up, and they develop a feel of responsibility where elder students cater for younger ones in an atmosphere of leadership and unity enhanced by familial virtues, peer protectiveness and healthy interpersonal bonds which enable them to collaborate with stamina, compete with honor and achieve with pride.

Kenana Spirit

K eep learning

E ngage in Meaningful Communication

N ever give up

A lways Inquire

N urture and Be Nurtures

A ccelerate and Appreciate

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